Our CEIAG Team
The strategic responsibility for the management of CEIAG is the Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs. Andrea Huhle (a.huhle@braidwood.bham.sch.uk)
CEIAG is supported by Miss S Cullen (careers@braidwood.bham.sch.uk) who has a Level 6 qualification in Careers Guidance
Our Link Governor is Mr T Lane
Our CEC Enterprise Coordinator is Claire Donnelly (Claire.Donnelly@wmca.org.uk)
The careers programme is structured and updated by Mrs Andrea Huhle, and it is published on the school’s website.
Delivery is through regular CEIAG sessions but also permeates all school subjects (Gatsby Benchmark 4) as well as being delivered in bespoke Vocational Studies, Work skills and Employability Lessons.