What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?
Braidwood School has adopted the Gatsby Benchmarks to track our CEIAG programme because they are judged to be an outstanding model of career guidance.
For a more in depth look at what they Gatsby Benchmarks are and how they help guide the implementation of our CEIAG programme please follow the link below:
How do we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks?
Benchmark 1: A stable careers programme
The CEIAG programme will be structured to take into account the new CDI Framework
- The strategic responsibility for the management of CEIAG is the Deputy Head Teacher, Mr P Bailey(p.bailey@braidwood.bham.sch.uk) supported by Mrs Sue Gough (careers@braidwood.bham.sch.uk ) who is a qualified careers leader - to qualified careers adviser (L7) Ms S Cullen, Ms J Foulston and Mr H Matty
- Our Link Governor is Mr M Price
- Our CEC Enterprise Coordinator is Claire Donnelly (Claire.Donnelly@bep.education )
- Our Careers Enterprise Advisor is Julie Venn-Morton. (Julie.VennMorton@hs2.org.uk )
- The careers programme is structured and updated by Mr P Bailey, and it is published on the school’s website. Delivery is through regular CEIAG sessions but also permeates all school subjects (Gatsby Benchmark 4) as well as being delivered in bespoke Vocational Studies, Work skills and Employability Lessons
- All Areas of incorporate the programme into the development of their intent and implementation and this is recognised in curriculum planning.
- The programme is evaluated with feedback from all stakeholders (i.e. Senior Leadership Team, Subject Leads, pupils, parents and employers etc) The school also uses Careers Compass+ to help plan, track, monitor and evaluate actions towards these benchmarks. Regular updates of compass + is fed back to senior leaders and the Governing Board. A framework for the planning, monitoring and delivery of the careers programme will be reviewed annually, also reviewed using the quality standard for Careers Education and Guidance.
- Funding is allocated annually in the context of whole school priorities and particular needs for Careers Education, Information and Guidance.
- The school ensures careers is prominent in the EHCP process for every child.
- Large number of events and activities involving employers and other agencies as well as ongoing experience of the world of work and businesses.
- Pupils also have regular access to JED software which helps them to understand and investigate jobs and the world of work
Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market
- Local Market Information (LMI) is included in the careers programme and additional knowledge is provided by the Careers Adviser.
- The Careers Adviser provides independent careers guidance, including LMI to all pupils from years 8 and above.
- LMI information is shared with parents on the school’s website.
Benchmark 3: Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Braidwood School recognises that all of our pupils are different and require individual careers information, advice and guidance. The Careers Adviser keeps accurate records of individual careers advice and these are shared with pupils and parents in line with GDPR.
- Destinations are collated by a member of the Leadership Team with the support of the Careers Adviser.
- The careers programme actively seeks to challenge stereotypical thinking and to raise aspirations.
- Careers Fairs and events will take place during the academic year when students and parents/carers can attend in order to gain understanding of careers
- Proactive in supporting every student on their work placement or pathway to employment. This may include regular liaison with parents and work experience providers as well as appropriate resources to support each student.
Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Employability and enterprise skills are embedded with the curriculum and developed in all lessons. (Gatsby BENCHMARK 4) These develop skills which will encourage pupils to become more effective workers, within a wider range of careers. (Skillsbuilder)
- All staff contribute to CEIAG through their role as form/class tutor, area of learning leads. Teachers and support staff.
- Any work experience placements must serve a purpose in the curriculum personalised or not, for example students completing Vocational Studies will use evidence from their work experience for their qualification.
- The development of the FUTURES framework will support staff to chart and record the employability skills that students across all ages and pathways demonstrate throughout the school day, whether this is in lessons, lunchtime or during recreational times.
Benchmark 5: Encounters with employers and employees
- Pupils will be provided with opportunities of mentoring, workplace visits, work experience, work shadowing, enterprise clubs and employer talks and higher education presentations.
- Where appropriate, we will arrange visits for pupils to local colleges, work-based education and training providers This will assist pupils in making an informed decision about their future career.
- We will continue to develop partnerships with local colleges, apprenticeships providers, local employers and training providers.
All students will:
- Receive at least one careers talk from an internal member of staff
- Receive at least one careers talk from a local business or provider
- Attend a careers fair or a school-based careers event
- Participate in enterprise days
- Pupils in Yr 10 will take part in activities with local employers such as ‘Me plc’ and mock job application and interviews.
- It is our aspiration that every student will have at least one encounter with an employer or employee every academic year
- Staff plan for / encourage students to consider jobs and employability skills as part of any educational visit
Benchmark 6: Experience of work places
- Pupils will be provided with opportunities of mentoring, workplace visits, work experience and work shadowing.
- Pupils in year 10 and Year 12 will, where appropriate, take part in a work experience placement.
- All parents will be involved in the work experience placement process and will receive reports of their child’s progress.
- The school however recognises that work experience opportunities may be limited due to the current COVID19 pandemic. The school will continue to provide experiences of the workplace through virtual work experiences, virtual tours, guest speakers and internal work experience opportunities.
Benchmark 7: Encounters with further and higher education
- Yr 11 and 13 pupils will be given the opportunity to visit a range of local FE colleges and training providers.
- Yr 8 Pupils will visit a local university as part of the aimhigher project to encourage aspirations for their future.
- Regular liaison with local colleges and school allow for smooth transition
- Parents are signposted to events and opportunities at local colleges through flyers, posters etc.
- Alumni / ex-pupils are invited in to talk to pupils about their experiences of different FE and HE pathways.
- There is information available for pupils if they want to learn more about further education establishments and courses
Benchmark 8: Personal guidance
- Independent face-to-face careers guidance, to help make successful transitions, from a qualified careers adviser (qualified to at least level 6)
- School will work closely with the Local Authority through the provision of SEND support services: preparing for adulthood.
- The Careers Adviser, will provide independent careers guidance to all Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Post 16 pupils, and their parents.
- The Careers Adviser is available for appointments with pupils or with parents and pupils.