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Pupils' Reflection on Work Experience June 2024

Two of our Year 10 pupils spent a week at 'Architecture & Interior' on their Work Experience. Read all about their week.

Work Experience at Architecture & Interiors

On Monday 24th June we (Nazim and Abu Sufian) went to the Architecture & Interiors workplace for the first time to take part in a week-long work experience. We met Gulraiz Siddique (who was the manager of his own company). His role is a director and he is responsible for designing some houses, restaurants and many more buildings across the UK. 

Mr Siddique gave us a tour around the offices, we met the employees and learnt about projects that they are currently working on. We were then given a brief explanation of how to design the survey of each floor on paper of the building room, giving priority to the key symbols of the window, stairs and other features. After that, we started to sketch the survey on paper and measure using a laser measurement. When this was complete, we moved on to the next part which was using accurate 1:50 scale measurements from the previous measurements. 

On Tuesday we continued our 1:50 scale of their ground and second floor. Afterwards, Ammaarah Siddique (the manager’s daughter) gave us a task to position the furniture, kitchen, till, toilets and the walls in the design of a restaurant. When we completed our task she gave us another task that we had to prepare our mood board for our choice of a dream house. We researched how a mood board worked and looked at video examples.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we carried on the same activity from the day before: to research about our dream houses on a laptop and we watched unique designs of houses, like house built on a cliff and many more interesting designs. After that, we used a website called ‘Canva’ to create a mood board to make a visual of our dream houses including specific details like walls, furniture, rooms, backyard and frontyard. After that, we were given another task to get deeper into a specific type of material and floor. 

On Friday we finished the interior of the house. Then we did the exterior of the dream house. For the exterior we added a front and back yard and the things we would like to have. 

After completing the mood board we asked questions to Ammaarah, Gulraiz, Sufyan and Minaal about their jobs, what they liked and disliked about it.

Although this work experience isn’t what we want our future job to be, this was a great opportunity for us to learn the experiences of what Architecture & Interiors generally do. 

By Abu Sufian & Nazim