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CEIAG at Braidwood

In an ever-changing world, our core purpose at Braidwood School is to prepare our young people for their future, whatever that might be. 

What is 'Careers'?


Our Vision:

At Braidwood School we are committed to

  • Raising aspirations for the future, developing ambitious, independent learners ready for employment, further education or training.
  • Providing learning opportunities through an extensive range of partnerships with business and industry across the region.
  • Delivering economic and business understanding through an enterprise focused curriculum.
  • Equipping young adults with skills essential for lifelong learning.

Schools have a statutory duty to secure independent careers guidance for all year 8 to 11 students (The Education Act 2011 / Careers guidance and access for education and training providers Jan 2018).  Braidwood School is committed to providing a planned programme of Careers Education, Information and Guidance for all pupils in Years 7-14.

We believe that it is especially important for our pupils, all of whom have an Education Health and Care Plan, that Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) permeates the whole school and is of the highest possible quality. Braidwood School has been recognised for its excellent work within careers and in 2017, the school achieved the National Award for Careers Education, Information and Guidance, from Prospects. This award recognised the high quality of provision of careers education information and guidance at the school. We will continue to work towards excellence in all that we do.     

Our aim at Braidwood School is for all students to achieve their personal best. In careers education, this translates as every student making the right choices for progression. We will support students in making well-informed decisions by providing access to differentiated, impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of options (including academic, vocational, apprenticeships) that are most likely to help them to achieve their ambitions.

There has never been a time when careers guidance has been as important for young people as it is today. The landscape of education, training and employment opportunities that students need to navigate is more complex and more challenging than that faced by previous generations. The raising of the age for participating in learning means that young people face a wider range of choices of courses and places to study.

Students need help to make choices and manage transitions: to do this effectively they need good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance. Our Braidwood Careers Plan sets out how the school provides a fit for purpose careers programme which will provide our students with the knowledge, inspiration and ability to take ownership of their own career action plans which will enable them to succeed in their chosen career paths.     

Braidwood School provides in-school guidance and independent advice to ensure our students receive the impartial advice that they need. The CEIAG programme will promote equality of opportunity, celebrate diversity and challenge stereotypes.

We will help our students develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. We hope that by inspiring every pupil through more real-life contacts with the world of work, they will be able to put in context other areas of their education and increase their motivation to learn.

Braidwood’s careers provision is based on the CDI Career Development Framework (2020). A formal Careers Programme is in place indicating the importance of employability, careers & enterprise education as part of overall School policy and a clear understanding of national and regional drivers. The careers programme is clearly linked to the School Development Plan and there is a clear vision for employability and enterprise education.

The effectiveness of this policy will be measured in a variety of ways: Our policy is developed and reviewed annually through discussions with teaching staff, the Careers Advisor, pupils, parents, governors and other external partners and will take into account evaluation of school destinations, COMPASS + scores and feedback. It is based on current good practice from OFSTED, the Careers Development Institute and is guided by the ‘Gatsby’ benchmarks, to ensure best practice and to conform to statutory requirements

Equality and Diversity

FUTURES/CEIAG is provided to all pupils in school. Pupils are encouraged to follow paths that suit their interests, skills and strengths and our provision is designed to suit all needs and covers employment, independent living and supported living. The programme will raise aspirations, promote equality of opportunity, celebrate diversity and challenge stereotypes in support of the institution’s Public Sector Equality Duty. Our School has an Equality and Diversity policy