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Key Information

There is a requirement from the Department for Education that certain information must be published online on a school's website. This page links to where the information can be found.

Contact Details

Please see our contact us page.

Safeguarding & Child Protection 

Braidwood is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. To achieve our commitment, we ensure continuous development and improvement of robust Safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of Safeguarding amongst our staff and volunteers. Consequently, all adults working in school are required to complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Enhanced Police Check.

Braidwood aims to work in close partnership with parents to support the children in every way possible. However, there is a clear responsibility on all schools to ensure they work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.

It may be helpful for parents to know that the Local Authority requires Headteachers to report any obvious or suspected case of child abuse which includes non-accidental injury, severe physical neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse. This procedure is intended to protect children at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for suspicion it is better to be safe than sorry. This does mean that Headteachers risk upsetting some parents by reporting a case, which on investigation proves unfounded. In such circumstances, it is hoped that parents, appreciating how difficult it is for Headteachers to carry out this delicate responsibility, would accept that the Head Teacher was acting in what were believed to be the child’s best interests.

As a result, if concerns are raised within the school, or a child or parent reports a situation involving possible abuse, we are required to refer such matters to the appropriate Children’s Services, in line with the Government and Birmingham Children’s Safeguarding Board. Information sharing may take place between Police and school.

Braidwood is committed to keeping our learners safe, both in school and the wider community. As part of our safeguarding arrangements, we have a two-way information sharing agreement in place with West Midlands Police. The agreement is compliant with Crime & Disorder Act 1998 (s.115) and Data Protection Act 1998(s.29.3; s.35.2.), and focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved or further involved in crime and anti-social behaviour as a victim or offender. If you have any queries about the partnership policy, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead - Charlotte Nock 0121 464 5558

If as a parent or carer you are concerned by what your child is accessing on-line NSPCC launched a public education campaign called Shareaware, aimed at helping parents of 8-12 year olds to keep their children safe online. 

You may wish to consider sharing this link

Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online

Please click the link for our Safeguarding Policy. 

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (Oct 2024)

Admission Arrangements

Please see our admissions policy.

Admissions Policy 2024 & 2025

Our most recent Ofsted Inspection Report

The report is available here on the Ofsted website.

Assessment Results

Performance data not required due to small numbers leading to easy identification of individuals

Performance tables

This information is available on the Department for Education website


Please look under the Teaching and learning tab for an overview of the curriculum for each year group.

Blended learning

Please view our blended learning  policy here


Pupil Premium

Please click here to view Braidwood School's Pupil Premium policy

Literacy and Numeracy

Please click here to view Braidwood School's Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up plan

Governors' Information and Duties

Please click here for information about Governance at Braidwood


Charging and Remissions Policy

Our charging and remissions policy including information about charging for documentation can be found here.

Charging and Remissions Policy 2024 & 2025

SEND information

Please click here for details on our Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
Special Educational Needs Policy

SEN Information Report 2024-2025

School Complaints Procedure

Please view our complaints policy  here.

Complaints Procedure

Equal Opportunities at Braidwood

Please view our Equalities Policy here.

Medical Conditions

Please view our Medical Conditions Policy here

Medical Conditions Policy

Trade Union Facility Time

Facility Time - 35 minutes per week

During the 2024/2025 academic year 3.5 days training has also been agreed.

Careers Education Information And Guidance

The Braidwood School Careers, Employability, Enterprise Education and Work Experience Policy can be found here. (for more information go to our Careers page)